Friday, September 21, 2012

4 Must Have Qualities in a Security Guard Service

Security guard services are becoming common these days and many are coming up everyday to fulfill the market demand for security services, as such there is a need for security service purchasers to be careful while hiring a service.

Mentioned below are some of the qualities that make a security guard service better than the rest.

1. Great Knowledge

Training is very important for every security guard service employee, his prior knowledge or job experience notwithstanding. Training involves simple hand to hand combat techniques and advanced arms training. There are special training regimes in security guard company  that prepare a security guard for other emergencies and trouble situations. Without the special knowledge a security guard is good as an average person!

2. Spotless Character

Character of a security guard employee is a collection of a few qualities, such as honesty, patience, prudence, kindness and loyalty. A security guard who has all of these in him is a person of great personal integrity. It is very important that a personal security guard stays loyal to the client and does not jeopardise the safety of the client for money or other such material allurement.

3. Able Leader

If the security personnel lacks leadership skills, how is he supposed to lead during an emergency? When the time comes, the able leader inside the guard must take over and lead everyone away from danger. Only an able leader can make the right decisions and take responsibility for his actions.

4. Physical Fitness

It goes without saying that all guards must be physically fit to make the cut. Security guard company recruit only those candidates who have very good physical fitness. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Security Companies in London - Close Protection Services

VIP protection or what is also known as close protection is one of the most under discussed and unappreciated services. There is no denying the glamour factor in VIP protection services, but not much has been written about the security angle in it.

History Check

Security services in London have been providing close protection security to VIPs and celebrities ever since monarchy came into existence! Truth be told there are evidences which point towards the vigilance and expertise of VIP guards in the Bible as well, provided you consider King Solomon a VIP!

In the Far East, military concepts were being developed and an ever complicated war was fought between warring tribes and clans of China. Guerilla warriors (ninjas and kunoichis) were big threats to leaders and powerful people. There had to be a circle of protection to preempt and deter attacks. The Chinese were very quick at devising the best protection detail around their leaders and more can be found about the techniques in books written by the military experts.

The Art of War is a great treatise where one can find more evidence on the development of close protection as well as security guard service in London and elsewhere in the world.

Threats and Dangers of the Present Day

Nothing much has changed in all these years with the single biggest exception of ‘approach’ to the business. Security services in London now have terrorists, competitors, deranged fans and many unforeseen threats.

●        Kidnaps

The affluent are always under the risk of being kidnapped for ransom. Specifically people with considerable wealth are kidnapped for money. More often than not, kidnaps can be related to money, but in recent times, religious fanatics have gained a bad reputation for kidnapping innocent people and murdering them in cold blood to terrorize people. More and more security companies in London are engaging in providing kidnap covers to the influential as well as their family members.

●        Hate Crimes

Innocent people fall victim to hate criminals who indiscriminately target members of a particular community for no apparent reason. Recently, there has been several hate related crimes, which highlights the importance of better security guard services in London. This is in fact one of those things that are beyond the control or wildest expectations of any close protection security guard. To deter something so unpredictable, one has to be well trained in every scenario and be ever prepared for more.

●        Violence

There was a time when crime was civilized! Today basically everything has spun out of control. Things that start off with simple altercations quickly blow out of proportions and take the violent turn. As such, VIPs need protection against people they interact with, as well as from security guards employed by others.

It has been observed in the past that criminals often team up with terrorists and nefarious rackets to gain leverage from the experience and/or equipments made available by such rackets. In today’s scenario, a VIP is exposed to enormous threats that cannot be deflected by anyone by deft security companies in London.